13 research outputs found

    Conoces tu color : Parte 3

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    La secretaría de Extensión de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata en el marco de la convocatoria de proyectos 2019, acreditó el proyecto multidisciplinario Conoces tu color 2, en el cual participan diferentes Unidades Académicas: Facultad de Odontología, Bellas Artes, Ciencias Exactas y Ciencias Naturales, dependientes de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Docentes y alumnos de dichas facultades intervinimos con distintas acciones en el proyecto, el cuál tuvimos que adaptar, teniendo en cuenta el contexto de pandemia, contemplando que el cambio de rutinas y comportamientos diarios afecta la salud de la población, consideramos como herramienta eficaz promover la educación para la salud, priorizando incorporar hábitos saludables en el cuidado bucodental; en momentos de pandemia cuidar la salud oral es una prioridad ya que una de las principales vías de entrada del SARS –COV2 es la vía oral. Las familias pertenecientes a los sectores más vulnerables de la sociedad presentan gran cantidad de lesiones bucodentales producidas por una dieta alta en hidratos de carbono, ausencia de higiene oral, inicio tardío del cepillado dental o escasa frecuencia del mismo.Facultad de Odontologí

    Higher COVID-19 pneumonia risk associated with anti-IFN-α than with anti-IFN-ω auto-Abs in children

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    We found that 19 (10.4%) of 183 unvaccinated children hospitalized for COVID-19 pneumonia had autoantibodies (auto-Abs) neutralizing type I IFNs (IFN-alpha 2 in 10 patients: IFN-alpha 2 only in three, IFN-alpha 2 plus IFN-omega in five, and IFN-alpha 2, IFN-omega plus IFN-beta in two; IFN-omega only in nine patients). Seven children (3.8%) had Abs neutralizing at least 10 ng/ml of one IFN, whereas the other 12 (6.6%) had Abs neutralizing only 100 pg/ml. The auto-Abs neutralized both unglycosylated and glycosylated IFNs. We also detected auto-Abs neutralizing 100 pg/ml IFN-alpha 2 in 4 of 2,267 uninfected children (0.2%) and auto-Abs neutralizing IFN-omega in 45 children (2%). The odds ratios (ORs) for life-threatening COVID-19 pneumonia were, therefore, higher for auto-Abs neutralizing IFN-alpha 2 only (OR [95% CI] = 67.6 [5.7-9,196.6]) than for auto-Abs neutralizing IFN-. only (OR [95% CI] = 2.6 [1.2-5.3]). ORs were also higher for auto-Abs neutralizing high concentrations (OR [95% CI] = 12.9 [4.6-35.9]) than for those neutralizing low concentrations (OR [95% CI] = 5.5 [3.1-9.6]) of IFN-omega and/or IFN-alpha 2

    CARB-ES-19 Multicenter Study of Carbapenemase-Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli From All Spanish Provinces Reveals Interregional Spread of High-Risk Clones Such as ST307/OXA-48 and ST512/KPC-3

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    ObjectivesCARB-ES-19 is a comprehensive, multicenter, nationwide study integrating whole-genome sequencing (WGS) in the surveillance of carbapenemase-producing K. pneumoniae (CP-Kpn) and E. coli (CP-Eco) to determine their incidence, geographical distribution, phylogeny, and resistance mechanisms in Spain.MethodsIn total, 71 hospitals, representing all 50 Spanish provinces, collected the first 10 isolates per hospital (February to May 2019); CPE isolates were first identified according to EUCAST (meropenem MIC > 0.12 mg/L with immunochromatography, colorimetric tests, carbapenem inactivation, or carbapenem hydrolysis with MALDI-TOF). Prevalence and incidence were calculated according to population denominators. Antibiotic susceptibility testing was performed using the microdilution method (EUCAST). All 403 isolates collected were sequenced for high-resolution single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) typing, core genome multilocus sequence typing (cgMLST), and resistome analysis.ResultsIn total, 377 (93.5%) CP-Kpn and 26 (6.5%) CP-Eco isolates were collected from 62 (87.3%) hospitals in 46 (92%) provinces. CP-Kpn was more prevalent in the blood (5.8%, 50/853) than in the urine (1.4%, 201/14,464). The cumulative incidence for both CP-Kpn and CP-Eco was 0.05 per 100 admitted patients. The main carbapenemase genes identified in CP-Kpn were blaOXA–48 (263/377), blaKPC–3 (62/377), blaVIM–1 (28/377), and blaNDM–1 (12/377). All isolates were susceptible to at least two antibiotics. Interregional dissemination of eight high-risk CP-Kpn clones was detected, mainly ST307/OXA-48 (16.4%), ST11/OXA-48 (16.4%), and ST512-ST258/KPC (13.8%). ST512/KPC and ST15/OXA-48 were the most frequent bacteremia-causative clones. The average number of acquired resistance genes was higher in CP-Kpn (7.9) than in CP-Eco (5.5).ConclusionThis study serves as a first step toward WGS integration in the surveillance of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales in Spain. We detected important epidemiological changes, including increased CP-Kpn and CP-Eco prevalence and incidence compared to previous studies, wide interregional dissemination, and increased dissemination of high-risk clones, such as ST307/OXA-48 and ST512/KPC-3

    Alcoholic fermentation with Pichia kluyveri could improve the melatonin bioavailability of orange juice

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    Fermentation of orange juice (OJ) by Pichia kluyveri enhances the content of melatonin, a molecule with potent antioxidant effect. This study explores the levels of urine 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (6-SMT) in healthy subjects after fermented orange juice (FOJ) intake, and their association with antioxidant activity status. Nine participants ingested 500 mL of FOJ and their urine was collected at baseline and after 2, 5, 10, 15 and 24 h. After a two-week washout period, the intervention was repeated with OJ. 6-SMT levels were quantified by ELISA and antioxidant activity by TAC, FRAP and ORAC assays. A significant increase in both 6-SMT levels and antioxidant activity in urine was observed after FOJ ingestion compared to OJ. A positive correlation between TAC and 6-SMT levels was observed only after FOJ intake. This study shows for the first time that fermentation process increases melatonin bioavailability of OJ associated with an enhancement in antioxidant status

    Assessing Predictive Value of SARS-CoV-2 Epitope-Specific CD8<sup>+</sup> T-Cell Response in Patients with Severe Symptoms

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    Specific T cell responses against SARS-CoV-2 provided an overview of acquired immunity during the pandemic. Anti-SARS-CoV-2 immunity determines the severity of acute illness, but also might be related to the possible persistence of symptoms (long COVID). We retrospectively analyzed ex vivo longitudinal CD8+ T cell responses in 26 COVID-19 patients diagnosed with severe disease, initially (1 month) and long-term (10 months), and in a cohort of 32 vaccinated healthcare workers without previous SARS-CoV-2 infection. We used peptide-human leukocyte antigen (pHLA) dextramers recognizing 26 SARS-CoV-2-derived epitopes of viral and other non-structural proteins. Most patients responded to at least one of the peptides studied, mainly derived from non-structural ORF1ab proteins. After 10 months follow-up, CD8+ T cell responses were maintained at long term and reaction against certain epitopes (A*01:01-ORF1ab1637) was still detected and functional, showing a memory-like phenotype (CD127+ PD-1+). The total number of SARS-CoV-2-specific CD8+ T cells was significantly associated with protection against long COVID in these patients. Compared with vaccination, infected patients showed a less effective immune response to spike protein-derived peptides restricted by HLA. So, the A*01:01-S865 and A*24:02-S1208 dextramers were only recognized in vaccinated individuals. We conclude that initial SARS-CoV-2-specific CD8+ T cell response could be used as a marker to understand the evolution of severe disease and post-acute sequelae after SARS-CoV-2 infection

    Fomentando la educación para la sostenibilidad en la formación de maestros a través de espacios verdes -Huerto Didáctico y Real Jardín Botánico- como recursos educativos

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    El presente documento es la memoria del proyecto de innovación docente "Fomentando la educación para la sostenibilidad en la formación de maestros a través de espacios verdes -Huerto Didáctico y Real Jardín Botánico- como recursos educativos". En dicha memoria se especifican los objetivos propuestos, esto es que los/as alumnos/as adquieran conocimientos vinculados con la biología y la ecología, así como competencias transversales como el pensamiento reflexivo y valores democráticos y de sostenibilidad trabajando en espacios verdes. Se reportan las actividades realizadas en el Huerto Didáctico de la Facultad de Educación-CFP de la UCM y en el Real Jardín Botánico Alfonso XIII para la consecución de esos objetivos, concluyendo que los alumnos son capaces de aprender sobre la materia y ejecutar tareas de cuidado hortícola, a la vez que conectar con el medio natural cuando llevan a cabo actividades en los espacios verdes de la UCM

    Circulating tumour DNA from the cerebrospinal fluid allows the characterisation and monitoring of medulloblastoma

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    The molecular characterisation of medulloblastoma, the most common paediatric brain tumour, is crucial for the correct management and treatment of this heterogenous disease. However, insufficient tissue sample, the presence of tumour heterogeneity, or disseminated disease can challenge its diagnosis and monitoring. Here, we report that the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) recapitulates the genomic alterations of the tumour and facilitates subgrouping and risk stratification, providing valuable information about diagnosis and prognosis. CSF ctDNA also characterises the intra-tumour genomic heterogeneity identifying small subclones. ctDNA is abundant in the CSF but barely present in plasma and longitudinal analysis of CSF ctDNA allows the study of minimal residual disease, genomic evolution and the characterisation of tumours at recurrence. Ultimately, CSF ctDNA analysis could facilitate the clinical management of medulloblastoma patients and help the design of tailored therapeutic strategies, increasing treatment efficacy while reducing excessive treatment to prevent long-term secondary effects. Non-invasive and precise methods are critical for monitoring paediatric brain cancers. Here the authors show that the molecular alterations and heterogeneity of paediatric medulloblastomas can be reliably detected in circulating tumour DNA from the cerebrospinal fluid - a routinely collected sampl

    Aborto, abandono, y la muerte de Augusta García Platas en Ayacucho, Perú, 1946

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    Resumen Augusta García Platas murió tras un aborto clandestino en Ayacucho en 1946. Este ensayo, basado en materiales del Archivo Histórico de Ayacucho, da cuenta del proceso criminal que se abrió para determinar los responsables de su muerte. A pesar de que sindicaron a ciertos individuos como culpables directos de provocar el aborto, las autoridades judiciales consideraban que la causa de fondo de la muerte de la joven había sido el abandono por parte de quienes debían velar por su salud física y moral. Este caso nos brinda la oportunidad de esclarecer las estrategias que los implicados usaban para defenderse de acusaciones criminales. Además, nos ayuda a entender las diversas deficiencias del Poder Judicial peruano de mediados del siglo XX